Hakushika’s Japanese Orchard Sake
If necessity is a mother of invention, then the summer temps undeniably gave birth to these Saké concoctions.
First, let me dispel a widely held belief that Sake should be drunk hot. Many premium sakes should be drunk chilled, similar to white wine. So when the summer heat rises, you can add Sake to your cool beverage preferences.
Sake is also very versatile. It can be enjoyed chilled, warmed, frozen, or made into a cocktail.
These Hakushika’s Japanese Orchard sake in Citrus Yuju and Japanese Pear flavors are a perfect example of sake adaptability to the seasons and occasions.
Hakushika’s Japanese Orchard – Citrus Yuzu
With its citrus and minty goodness, Mojito is a popular drink, especially during the summertime. Adapting Sake flavored with Yuzu into Mojito is very simple. Take a handful of mint leaves and give them a little clap within your hands to release the oils in the leaves. Place them in a tall glass and gently press them with a muddler. Then add lime pieces cut into quarters and give them a press to release the juice. Add a splash of simple syrup and top the glass with crushed ice and soda water. Give it a quick stir; voila, you’ve got Sake Mojito!

Hakushika’s Japanese Orchard – Japanese Pear
Since any alcoholic beverage containing less than 11% alcohol will freeze, I made frosty Sake leaves to adorn my dessert dish. I poured the Sake into a leaf-shaped silicone mold and froze it overnight. The next day, the dessert dish contained slices of German Baumkuchen, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and icy sake leaves. It’s an attractive and fun way to enjoy Sake.
Sake has been around for a thousand years, but it has also learned to provide enjoyment in changing times.