Do high-end wines really taste superior?

I’ve been lucky. I’ve had opportunities to taste exceptional wines from California’s top wineries. But human nature being what it is, I have been curious about those “other” wines that I could never get my hands on—like the ones with super high price points. And I’ve also wondered if those ultra-high-end wines are superior in taste and quality, or are they just bragging rights for the rich and famous?

My chance to find that out occurred at a fine wine tasting in San Francisco, CA. These tasting events are hard to pass up for any true wine lover.

The tastings were for the following wines:
• 2013 Spottswoode, Cabernet Sauvignon, Saint Helena-Napa Valley
• 2013 Vérté La Joie, Sonoma County
• 2013 Colgin Cellars, Ix Estate Red Wine, Napa Valley
• 2012 Harlan Estate, Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley

There were approximately 25 people in attendance, and the price for the tasting was $150 per person. This fee was a perfectly acceptable price range for the chance to taste such illustrious wines as Colgin ($750/bottle) and Harlan ($1100+/bottle). I have been so curious about all these wines, and I was excited to finally be able to find out if they would live up to their high price tags and notoriety.

The tasting started with Spottswoode and moved on to Harlan. The pour was generous enough to get a perfect taste of each wine. And I was not disappointed to discover that all the wines were impressive. I won’t go into details about each, but let me confess that I seriously weighed the pros and cons of making a financial investment in buying one of the wines. I really, really wanted a bottle to take home with me. Ultimately, my rational side won out, and I realized that I’m not at the financial comfort level yet where I can justify purchasing a single bottle of wine that exceeds the roundtrip airfare to Europe.

Ultimately, did these wines live up to their expectations? I would have to say yes. My opinion is based on taste rather than being influenced by all the hype. The nose and palate experience of these wines was spectacular, and one, in particular, was so refined, so opulent, and lush—a phenomenal experience I will never forget!

I can now cross off this item from my Bucket List. Much gratitude to the event coordinator for creating an opportunity for someone like me with a limited budget to still indulge in the wine luxuries of the privileged few.

Life is short, so drink fabulous wine whenever you can!